Multi-Input networks

As many data-scientists, we often deal with the question how to extract all of the contained information from a data-set without exploding feature dimensionality while setting aside a reasonable timeframe for feature-engineering....

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Azure WebJobs with .NET Core

Azure WebJobs In this blog post we would like to show how to create an Azure WebJob with a Timer trigger to run some background processing using .NET Core 2.2 and WebJob SDK 3.x. We at sandy energized analytics use Azure WebJobs to run several background processes to...

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Azure IoT Hub vs. Event Hub

What is the difference between an Azure IoT Hub and an Azure Event Hub? Well, an Azure IoT Hub contains an Event Hub and hence essentially is an Event Hub plus additional features. An important additional feature is that an Event Hub can only receive messages, whereas...

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new.New Festival

The Center of Arts and Media (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, ZKM) in Karlsruhe turns into a Hotspot for digital pioneers worldwide from 20th to 22nd of September. Founders, innovators and investors will join at the new.New Festival, held by CODE_n, to discuss the...

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